Wednesday, May 25, 2011

It's moments like these.....

I had an utterly hilarious experience whilst running in Damyang on Monday.

Let me paint the scene for you -

I live in the countryside and so when I go for my daily jog, I am mostly running along small pathway next to rice paddies, herb gardens and farm fields and of course the river. It had been raining in the morning so everything was a bit damp and the fields were all muddy and water logged but by the time I left my apartment at 6:30pm, the sun was shining and there was a lovely breeze.

I was about 20 minutes into the run and I was in a pretty good rhythm dancing along to the Time Warp when out of nowhere, I slipped on a mossy wet patch on the path and tumbled face first down the bank into a mud-filled rice paddy. I obviously let out a shriek in shock and the next thing I know 3 ajummas (old Korean ladies) who were in the field side shack come running out towards me. One dove right into the mud to help me out, the other stood screeching, laughing and flailing her arms in the air and the third ran off to call her friends. I finally manage to get myself up and I am now covered from head to toe in mud, dirt and grass and another 3 ajummas have come to join the party. One of them took off her neck scarf and starts wiping my face clean and patting me on the back, trying to shake the dirt off me. All I wanted to do was burst into tears but with 6 ajummas babbling off in korean, whilst cleaning me up and laughing and shrieking to each other and basically re-enacting the disastor, all I could do was burst out laughing and say thank you.

..and then they patted me on the bum, gave me a hug, made a running action and sent me on my way and I carried on running for 30 more minutes.

It's moments like these that just make me love Korea even more.


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